Just a little bit
About US
Our Mission:
Growing Together
Our Core Values
“I am the Vine, you are the Branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” – Jesus (John 15)
Branches would not exist apart from the Vine . Life, health, nourishment, growth and fruit all come from the Vine (Jesus) and flow through the branches (us). The story of Branches is inseparable from the EPIC narrative of God’s love. That story is also our story. In this story some values rise to the forefront and shape our community.
Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to have fun. God wants that for us too. We believe that God’s plan for us to live life to the fullest is the only way to find lasting joy and true delight. So we take fun seriously.
Ever wonder what you’re doing with your life? We believe that our purpose is to join the mission of God’s redemptive work in adding beauty and making all things new. We often remind ourselves that “it’s not about me.” You can buy a sports car, but we think living for God’s purpose is a better solution to a mid-life crisis.
Let’s face it, we need each other. We are in this together. We believe that knowing and being known, sharing in our own vulnerability, and walking together in love, acceptance and forgiveness is the best way to live. It’s also God’s design. You are not alone. So come as you are. You belong here.
Our Leadership
Tim oas
Co-Lead PastorTodd Morrison
Co-Lead PastorMike Downey
Associate PastorKathi Downey
HospitalityKim Van Patten
Children's MinistryBrandon Fry
Worship and TechnologyOur Beliefs
As we live our lives following these core values and investing into the Kingdom of God, we believe God will build the local church to have an impact and make a difference.
Service Times
In-Person & Online
11:00 AM
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18350 NE Woodinville Duvall Pl Woodinville, WA 98077
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