Branches Church

New ROOTED Groups Coming Soon
ROOTED is the "next step" at Branches. It's the way we connect and go deeper with God and each other. Whether you are a young adult, new to faith, or a long-time follower of Jesus, ROOTED is for you! ROOTED connects us to each other at the heart level and takes us to a new level in our relationship with Jesus. Spending 10 weeks in a ROOTED group will have a transformational impact on your heart and provide you with life-long friends who share a powerful common bond of missional faith.

The "Seven Rhythms of Discipleship"
ROOTED takes us on the journey of telling our story, developing a daily connection with God, practicing a powerful prayer life, breaking "strongholds" that hold us captive, serving our community, being generous, and celebrating how God is transforming our lives!
For more information about ROOTED check out ROOTED Experience